Sunday, April 29, 2012

Stella's Newest Star - Briege Lee.

Briege Lee. Words can't describe her.
I decided I won't even try. Instead I'll just talk about her and some classic moments.
Not that a Top 5 does Briege justice, but it is just how things go.

TOP 5 Briege Moments of 2011-2012 School Year -

I actually asked Briege for her top 5 moments, and she answered. I will be adding a little commentary to this and then giving a few of my favorite moments as well.
(Understand that this is in no particular order)

5. Briege Becomes a member of Stella Maria
If you know Briege at all, you know she would have this as the best thing that has happened to her this year. She was honestly so excited, to the point of tears. I was talking to her just a few days removed from getting in, and she was still as happy as one could be. In all honesty, it was intense. I wish I had the love she has. I am a Brother, but it never made me cry getting in, yet she couldn't have been happier. She was not only happy to be getting in, but she was in love with the process. Intentship is very tough on people, and can be a grind, but Briege was a champ.
All I can say is, I am extremely happy for her, and I know her passion will be a constant reminder to all in Stella of how special a thing they have. Households are a giant blessing to anyone who wants to be part of it, and Briege knows that.

4. Intentship and Warrior Week
Every household has a process required for all potential members, and it is normally called intentship. It can be a tough time, but it normally helps the members grow closer to God, and after it is over, most can say they did indeed grow.
I myself loved my time as an intent, and Briege told me she did as well, especially Warrior week. On the outside, Warrior week is just seen as the week when Stella girls wear shields and cameo, but it became clear to me that it is much more. It is a week of sacrifice and humility, and just the fact Briege said this was one of the best moments so far, tells me what kind of person she is, always seek the Lord.

3. The Pro-Life March and Weekend
In late January, the March 4 Life takes place, and Franciscan Students attend in large groups. Briege of course went, and told me this was one of her favorites moments. I understand where she is coming from, cause in all honesty, it is so powerful seeing thousands of people in D.C. marching for life, and praying for an end to Abortion. In getting to know Briege, I've learned how much she cares for others, and it didn't surprise me when she said this was one of her favorite moments. She has such a great heart.

4. Talk with Brittney Guess
When Briege told me one of her five favorite moments of this school year included a personal conversation with one of her household sisters, I realized the simplicity she has, and how beautiful that is. She could have said anything, but she went with a conversation she had that had a major impact on her. One thing that can be said of Briege is, when you get personal one on one time with her, it is never a waste. She has so many good things to say, and listening to her talk is very special and humorous.

5. Easter
She was not specific as to what she met  by Easter but I kind of assumed she meant the whole thing, including being here on campus, being with people, the mass, Ashley's Baptism,  the Resurrection party, and just Jesus rising! What a choice for Top Five things. I totally understand, cause Easter was great, coming out of Lent and then knowing Christ has now risen!

End Notes and Personal thoughts -
All the moments mentioned were Briege's top 5, but I thought I'd add a few things I remember about Briege and this school year.
1. When I met Briege, she told me that there was nothing interesting about her and then something about her foot. What? Well I wont say, but anyone there knows exactly what I am talking about.
2. Briege has gone to Praise and Worship in the Heights a lot, and she told me that one time she opened her eyes at the end, and was facing the opposite way of everyone else, looking at the other people there. Just a Briege moment.
3. We had Theology together and we use to study for the quizzes. Except, we never studied. We would go in the Library, and talk till it closed. Good times, horrible idea for that class.
4. I gave her a My Little Pony doll cause she wanted one, and when I asked her to name it, she said it would be called Skanky. Why would anyone name a horse Skanky, or My little Skanky...
5. She has a real love for Morgan, and it is hilarious. They dated for a while, at least on Facebook....
6. She has stolen my shoes a few times, and I am not sure why. She told me we could trade.

Well I have shared Briege's top moments and a few of my favorite moments as well. I hope you all enjoyed the read, and to finish it off, I just want to say that Briege Lee is as good a person as they come. She is just a student here at FUS, but she has had a major impact on my life and has reminded me to never stop growing with love for the Lord. I am glad I can call her my friend, and she'll be missed by many next semester as she travels to Austria.
Stay safe my friend and continue to be a witness of Christ's love!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Crucifixion Type Love

This Youtube video was showed to me by Sarah Spies and I really enjoyed it so I am showing it to all of you!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Saying "I Love You."

To this day, whenever I stay the night at my house, I tell my parents and siblings goodnight, and "I love you." It was just something I did as a kid, something I didn't even think about. In the back of my mind, I said it to make sure they knew how I felt, and in case they died, they'd would remember I loved them. The last thing I wanted was to lose them, and be unsure about how much I cared for them. I was not planning on losing them anytime soon, but it still felt neccessary. I remember there were numerous nights where I stayed up a little later, just to make sure my Dad got home safe from work, so I could say I love you. He always responded with an, "I love you also," and once I heard those words, I was able to go to bed. In college now, I am not waiting up to make sure my dad gets home from work. He works from the house, so I don't have to! :)
The reason I tell this story is because I want you to know that in my family, it was very important to always let one another know you loved them, and this has carried on with me to this day. One of the best things my parents did for me was shower me with their love, and it has made me a loving person as well. I can be very one-minded, arrogant, and numerous other bad things, but through my faults, my parents taught me to love and find the positives in people, including their strengths. It has helped me to be complimentary and that is what I want to talk about. Yes, being complimentary.
This campus is filled with so many wonderful people, yet they don't know how wonderful they really are. I know numerous people who don't think they are talented, beautiful, funny, etc, and it makes no sense. I am not writing this for admirations sake, hoping people go, "Oh, he is so nice!" I write this cause it is true. People don't know how talented they are, or blessed, and it might just be because someone didn't tell them.
I am not saying go out of your way and compliment every single person you see, but if you think someone looks nice, tell them. You thought someone played really well in their intermural game, well let them know. People like to feel appreciated, and know that they important. I am a firm believer in spending time with people, and I know the people I like to hang around with, are the people who bring me up, rather than down.
Through all of this, you might be wondering what the title of this most recent blog is talking about. Well I made the title, "Saying I Love You" to express the biggest compliment there is. Someone can compliment you in alot of ways, but through all compliments, and all interaction, what are we truly looking for in our friends and family? I'd say it is love. Not automatically "Let's date, you're so hot" love, but more of a love that is formed in one's relationship with Jesus Christ. In 1 John 4:18 it says, "God is Love." I love this verse, and the reason is because the message is simple. We must love all, and this is done by treating everyone the way we should treat God, making sacrifices for them, and living not just for ourselves.
When someone says, I love you, it normally means something, if it is between family, friends, or someone you are in a relationship with. We long to hear these words from different people, but in all honesty, I feel like "I love you" is not heard enough. One of my friends was in my room, and heading to bed, and while leaving, I said "Night! love you," because it is how I respond at home. It was a natural reaction, but it felt weird. He walked out of the room, then came back and asked me what I said. I explained, and then he said, "I love you too bro," then went to bed. Though it was kind of weird when it happened, it shouldn't have been. I truly love the kid, not in a weird way, but he is my brother in Christ, a great friend. It really made me realize that this shouldn't be a weird thing to say, but something I should be saying more often. When I write a letter or note, I always finish with Love, and once again, I am hesitant, but I shouldn't be. If I am writing a note to someone,  I definitely care for them.
With that.
Why are we hesitant to say it? Well for different reasons, pending on the person, but when it comes down to it, we need to let people know we care for them, and the word love is a way to do it. It might be only four letters, but its has the gravity of an earthquake.
Let the hearts of your friends quake.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

They laugh together, compete together, pray together.
They love just being together, and through this, you see their true brotherhood.
Though as a group, one might find them to be a little over the top, no one can question their true love for one another.
 AMDG is one of the most well known and outspoken households on campus, and though they get a bad rep sometimes, they are truly just men trying to grow closer to God.
I myself am a Brother of the Eternal Song, but I am well aware of the Brotherhood these men have with one another. Coming from an extremely close household, I enjoy my time with my fellow brothers, but so does AMDG, and I'd say their closeness with one another is as good as anyone. The men in AMDG joined for a reason, and it seems that once you are in their household, you are all flesh and blood. I sing at the noon mass on wednesday's, and every week I see AMDG together in the back row on the left side.
 Is it a commitment? No.
Why are they doing it then? Because they love the Lord and also being together.
Another sign that these men love the brotherhood of household- AMDG Wing in Kolbe. This semester, every room is filled by men in AMDG, except for the RA living there, and two rooms occupied by freshman. I've only been on their wing a few times, and only once this semster, but it is a total bro fest. The guys all just hang out together and the community life that they have together is truly great.
But lets say you don't go visit them on wing. That is fine. All one has to do is go to the Cafe during Lunch or Dinner and you can see them together at the table closest to the dishes. They are ALWAYS there, just eating together.
Another reason why AMDG is such a good household is, for as brotherly as they are with one another, they are very welcoming. Once you hang out with them a few times, you see how nice they are.
I asked Pat Gunning why he joined AMDG and he said, "Before I looked into AMDG, the households I checked out had a lot of cool guys into their faith. Once I looked into AMDG, I found a tight-knit brotherhood that would push me to pursue that faith."
I am not saying AMDG is for everyone, because I myself went a different route, but they definitely worth looking at. Even if you don't join, being friends with them is a pleasure.

Overall, AMDG is a household filled with men whose passion is very visible and also men with strong personalities. Everything they do has a reason, and when it comes down to it, they try and follow their name, doing "All for the Glory of God!"