Thursday, May 31, 2012

Believing What We Pray - The Creed

The Creed

A friend of mine posted this on Facebook and I am now sharing it on here.

The video talks about the Creed, the Catholic Churches profession of Faith, something we say in mass every Sunday, and also on special feasts. We say this week in and week out, but do we really know what we are saying? I challenge everyone to watch this and search their hearts for a greater understanding. If you have the time, even reflect on it and take it to prayer.
We Believe the Catholic Church is the one true faith, but in that, we must know what that means, even if it is in the simplest of ways. We need only faith the size of a mustard seed, and so let us continue to grow and try and understand.

Friday, May 25, 2012



Before I get into the topic at hand, I would like to share the reason for it. A week ago, I was given the opportunity to speak to High School boys, mostly Juniors, on this topic. My brother and I were not 100% sure what we were going to say, but when you let the Holy Spirit work in you, things normally go well. We said things that neither of us would have normally said (without the Holy Spirit), but it seemed we had a small impact on them. Since then, I feel it is very important to address this issue, and hopefully this will have an impact of some kind.

First things first. We have to go to the root of our being, the creation story.
" Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."
Genesis 1:26-27

In the first book of the bible, we see the creation story, and we are told that Man was created in God's image. Take a second and think about that. The God of the Universe, The Alpha and the Omega, The Beginning and the End, made us in his image! We are pathetic sinners, who deserve nothing of the sort, yet God made us in his image and likeness. We have been given dominion over all creatures, and the opportunity to have Eternal Life, if we stay the path! That's crazy if you really think about it.

Now before we get too ahead of ourselves, lets remember that later in Genesis, Adam and Eve sin, and hence the reason I had to use the word opportunity when it comes to Eternal life. Bummer, I know. So basically, we had it going great, and then Adam and Eve brought sin into the world, and the free pass to be in paradise went away. Luckily for Mankind, God sent his Son Jesus Christ, to redeem all of us. We all know the verse. John 3:16 - 
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
So there it is. We had it great, Adam and Eve messed up, we were in trouble, then Jesus died on the cross, and salvation becomes obtainable once more.
Nice story, but what does this have to do with manhood? Well, if Adam and Eve don't ever sin, we do not need Jesus, but they did, so enter the greatest man ever to walk the earth (It definitely helps that he is true God and true Man, just saying).

Jesus was everything a man should be: loving, selfless, courageous, humble - all things most men are not. In one sense, you could say he had it pretty good, being God and all, but his earthly Father prepared him well. And that's what I think we need to see. The Gospels emphasize Jesus' three years of ministry, but what they don't talk about a lot, is the human man who helped raise him, Joseph. Once Jesus is born, and Joseph did his part, he fades to the background. He humbly takes on the task of raising Jesus and taking care of Mary, but his time in the spotlight ends. In fact, we don't even know what happened to Joseph, or how he ended up dying. We know he is always found on Holy Cards, has multiple feast days, and was the only person who wasn't perfect in that house in Nazareth, but we don't know a whole lot more. And guess what? Joseph is one of if not the best example of a man besides Jesus, and this might be why. He didn't live for himself, but instead did everything he could to love Mary and Jesus.

So Joseph and Jesus, both real men. Check.

I know the question could be asked though, what about modern times? We all love Jesus and Joseph, and their examples, but times have changed, so wouldn't that mean the definition of Manhood has as well?
Well, not really. I'd say Guys are still expected to be all the things I listed earlier- loving, selfless, courageous and humble, and even more!
Society has this definition of Man, and is a twisted one.

In today's society, this is the look of a man.

What makes a man?
- Money
- Looks
- Power
- Attitude
- Way with Women
Looking at that list, we all know none of that makes a man, but society wants you to think it does, and in all honesty, it works. When you see a man roll up to a restaurant in a BMW, you think to yourself, well he is well off, or he's done well for himself. In movies, it is a bit overdone, but it the end, society wants us to believe that manhood is financial and personal success.
I just want to say. What a lie! The most manly men I know are not rich, and guess what, it makes sense. I am not saying there is anything wrong with being well off, but it does make things more difficult. In scripture, Jesus said, "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” Matthew 19:24
He didn't just say that for fun. He meant it. When we make worldly things important, we have a tougher time living for Christ. My Dad reminds me of this all the time, telling me that, "No saint ever died rich." I always want to find one that did, but its useless. The thing is, we have been called to this earth to live for Christ, and we can have all the possesions and power we want, but in a moment, God can take it all away. Which brings me to this - Success is not measured by wealth! We are not here to be millionairs, but Saints! Jesus said, “Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Luke 18:22

So a man must first and formost, follow God's call. It is never gonna be easy, and there is no map, but God will lead you. Times will get tough, you'll feel like a failure, and it will seem impossible to live a holy life, but guess what, Man shows his strength through his weakness. Just one single breath of life is more than we deserve from God, but he gives us so much, and we must take it and praise him for it.
But then comes the excuse, I wasn't raised with the truth, I've developed bad habits, and my lifestyle is one that God will not forgive. Well once again, a lie! People are products of their enviornment, but that doesn't mean that change is not possible. Looking at the Saints, we can see that when it comes down to it, you decide if you want the faith to be yours, if you're man enough to sacrifice for the Kingdom of God. St. Augustine denied the faith, and denied the faith, and denied the faith, and then guess what, he figured out he was wrong, and had a conversion. His mother, St. Monica, was a large part of that, and though he went off the path, he was raised in an enviorment that nurtured the faith. But then there is St. Francis of Asissi. He decided to make the faith his own and his dad lost it, actually disowned him from the family. So basically, there is no sure fire way to be a saint, but it is a decision, to either live for Christ or live for yourself.  Once again, selflesness playing into what makes a man.

Manhood is whatever you make it out to be. There is no straight definition, and just because you spend hours praying everyday, it doesn't make you a man, though it probably helps. God is searching for real men to carry on his kindom and we all must be up for the challenge. Oh, and I am pretty sure women are looking for real men also ;) Just saying.
The last bit of advice I will give is about being yourself. In Wild at Heart, John Eldredge says, "Be who you are, and let people deal with it." He isn't saying, if your a jerk, it is okay. What he means is, don't change just cause someone tells you to. God loves all of his creations, and some are a bit crazier then others, but thats life. Stay straight the path, but do it by being you.

The Journey through life is not ever going to be an easy one, and manhood is not something you just pick up. It is a lifelong journey in itself, but it is worth the trip. Put the kingdom of God above all else, and you'll be suprised what you find yourself doing.
"For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." Matthew 23:12
Seek the Lord in all things!

Daily Quote- 05-25-12

Daily Quote
"Prayer may not change things for you, but it for sure changes you for things."
-Samuel Shoemaker
Reflection -
My friend shared this quote with me, and as I reflect on it, I find myself thinking about the importance of prayer, and understanding we should be praying for God's plan, not our own. When it says, "prayer may not change things for you," it reminds me off all the times when I will pray, only hoping to get something out of it. I will look at prayer very selfishly sometimes, only asking for personal gains or help. God tells us to continue to pray, and when we ask, it will be given to us, but sometimes our prayers are answered in a different way than we had hoped. We need to understand that God knows better than we do, and accept what he gives us. As long as we are praying, we should be able to handle everything, allowing us to "change for things."
Let us always pray that we allow God to touch our hearts, and be mindful of the many blessings he gives us.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Praying for Religious Freedom

Fortnight for Freedom

Vatican City. Enough said.
"On April 12, the Ad Hoc Committee on Religious Liberty of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) issued a document, "Our First, Most Cherished Liberty,” outlining the bishops’ concerns over threats to religious freedom, both at home and abroad. The bishops called for a “Fortnight for Freedom,” a 14-day period of prayer, education and action in support of religious freedom, from June 21-July 4.
Bishops in their own dioceses are encouraged to arrange special events to highlight the importance of defending religious freedom. Catholic institutions are encouraged to do the same, especially in cooperation with other Christians, Jews, people of other faiths and all who wish to defend our most cherished freedom.
The fourteen days from June 21—the vigil of the Feasts of St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More—to July 4, Independence Day, are dedicated to this “fortnight for freedom”—a great hymn of prayer for our country. Our liturgical calendar celebrates a series of great martyrs who remained faithful in the face of persecution by political power—St. John Fisher and St. Thomas More, St. John the Baptist, SS. Peter and Paul, and the First Martyrs of the Church of Rome.  Culminating on Independence Day, this special period of prayer, study, catechesis, and public action would emphasize both our Christian and American heritage of liberty. Dioceses and parishes around the country could choose a date in that period for special events that would constitute a great national campaign of teaching and witness for religious liberty."

From the USSCB Website.

The Catholic Church has been going through a lot lately, especially in The United States. The United States Catholic Conference of Bishops has decided that a way to combat the US Government is through prayer, setting up Fortnight for Freedom. What is it? Well above, it is explained. St. Thomas More is the Patron saint of Lawyers, so it makes sense that we'll be praying on his feast day.

I see this, and it reminds me that our biggest weapon against the injustices we see in this country, is prayer. We can not ever stop praying, and the sooner we figure that out as a country, the better. One man can not make a decision for all of us, especially one that goes against the sanctity of life. President Obama and his group of Politicians have been doing some unbelievably unjust things, and enough is enough.

Links -

Don't stop praying!

Monday, May 14, 2012

NBA Playoffs - Predictions -

The NBA Playoffs
Sixteen teams entered the playoffs.
Only eight teams remain.

I am an avid sports fan. If there is one thing that you don't want to get me started on, it is professional sports, specifically, the NBA. I can talk about it all day, and I love stats and numbers. With that, I thought it was about time I blogged about sports. I know this will not be my most popular blog. Honestly, it will probably get the least views, but no worries. I am just doing this because I love the NBA landscape.
Let's go.

Eastern Confrence
Series - 1-0 Miami
Miami played the New York Knicks in round one, winning in 5. Lebron James was dominant, posting 27.8 PPG, 6.2 REB, and 5.6 AST with 2.2 STL. Before the Indiana series began, LeBron was awarded the MVP trophy, but in the first half, no one could tell, with LeBron only having 6 pts at halftime, and Miami trialing. LeBron picked it up in the second half, finishing with 32 pts, 15 reb, 5 ast, 2 stls, and a block, and running partner Dwyane Wade dropping 29 in the win. The Heat won 95-86 but potentially lost Chris Bosh for an extended amount of time, who went down in the first half. The Pacers, who were leading before Bosh went down, allowed Wade and James to carry the Heat, scoring 20 in a row in the fourth quarter, and gave up game one. Now the question becomes, can Indiana take advantage of the Bosh injury, or will they bow out to the league MVP and his running mate D-Wade?
Why Miami will potentially win?
As I just said, they have LeBron and Wade, who are two of the top ten players in the league. Both players can score, pass, rebound and play defense. Indiana will be having trouble all series defending them, and will also need good offense from their players. Besides that, Miami boasts the number one scoring defense in the NBA this postseason, giving up just 83.3 pts per game, in six games.
Why Indiana will potentially win?
Chris Bosh is out indefinitely, and though Indiana has no players at the level of Lebron or Dwayne, it can be argued that they have a much better supporting cast. With Barbosa, Hansbrough, and Collison all rolling off the bench, they were able to beat Miami's bench scoring, 29-15. The Pacers have a strong lineup, and their front court could pose problems for the Heat, especially with Bosh out.
Who Wins?
When it comes down to it, I think Indiana can keep the series interesting, but it is Miami's to lose. I'll take Miami in 5.

Series - 1-0 Boston
A Celtics team that was counted out months ago, has a bit of an easier path to the Eastern Conference Finals, with Phili knocking off the Bulls. In the first round, Boston defeated the Hawks, and now finds themselves versus a team that finished 8th in the Eastern Conference standings. They played one another three times during the season, with the home team winning decisively, giving Philadelphia the edge, 2-1. The 76er's are not the same team they were in March, and neither is Boston.
Why Boston will potentially win?
Experience. Boston has been down this rode before, and though Ray Allen, Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett are getting up there in age, there is a look in all of them, saying they have one more go. Besides the play of those three, Rajon Rondo has played out of his mind, posting his 8th postseason Triple Double in the game one win.
Why Philadelphia will potentially win?
The Boston Celtics are a very good team, but so are the 76er's. So far, in 7 games, the Sixer's have averaged just 10 turnovers a game, least among the teams in the playoffs. Among the eight teams left, they hold the worst shooting percentage, at .412, but keep themselves in the game with smart ball movement. With that, the Sixers also are confident after knocking off the 1st seed, The Chicago Bulls.
Who Wins?

Not that Philadelphia couldn't win this series, but the way Kevin Garnett and Rondo are playing, I have a tough time thinking they will. It should be a good series.
Boston in 7. 

Western Conference
1) San Antonio Spurs vs 5) Los Angeles Clippers
The San Antonio Spurs are on a 14 game winning streak, and 25-2 in there last 27 games. In their postseason series versus the Jazz, they won by an average of 16 pts a game. No team is rolling like they are. The Clippers on the other hand, are just happy to be here, winners of a physical game 7 in Memphis. With one team dominating, and the other just barely making it to this round, it will make for an interesting match up.
Why San Antonio potentially wins?
The Spurs have not won since 2007, and it is clear that they miss the ceremony. When everyone counted them out, saying they were too old and washed up, the Spurs did what they've done for years, and finished with the best record in the league. These Spurs are not like the Championship teams in the past, but with a young core grouped around Tim Duncan, Manu Ginobili and Tony Parker, they could very well be the deepest team Popovich has ever had to work with.
Why Los Angeles potentially wins?
"Lob City" put on a show this season, and for the first time in years, there is buzz in L.A. that is not about Kobe and the Lakers. Blake Griffin and Chris Paul carried L.A. all season, and they look to continue that versus the Spurs. The Clips forced the second most turnovers per game during the postseason, with 15.5 a game, but also average 14.8 turnovers, and will have to take care of the ball better.
Who wins?

The Spurs have played better basketball than anyone this season, and especially of late. I don't expect the Clippers to be able to stop them but Chris Paul will try.
Spurs in 6.

2) Oklahoma City Thunder vs 3) Los Angeles Lakers
 In their 2009 matchup, the Lakers won in 6. With time, things change. The Lakers are not the same team that won the championship, and in their first round, they had to go to seven games before knocking off Denver. The Thunder meanwhile, beat the defending champions 4-0, and look to win it all.
Why Oklahoma City potentially wins?
The Thunder posses a 1-2-3 punch that is as good as anyone, including the Lakers. Durant and Westbrook had the best scoring average between teammates, at 51.6 pts per game, and when you add James Harden, it goes to 68.4 pts per game. The Lakers will need to keep all three in check to win this series. If not, OKC will roll them just like they rolled Dallas.
Why Los Angeles potentially wins?
I've watched enough Lakers games to know Kobe is there go-to guy, the one who can single-handedly lead them to victory. In their game 7 versus the Nuggets though, Kobe wasn't that guy, and didn't need to be. He scored just 17 pts, and had 8 asts. The last time Kobe had 8 or more assists? Back on February the 3rd, versus the Nuggets in a four point win. When Kobe shoots less, the outcome is normally positive. In the Lakers four wins, Kobe averaged just 23.6 shots a game, and averaged 26 shots in their three loses. When it comes down to it though, the Lakers need to get Pau Gasol involved, who scored just 9.33 pts per game in there three losses, and 18.25 in their four wins. The more the Lakers play team ball, the better off they are.
Who wins?
Though I would rather have Los Angeles Big Three than OKC's, The Lakers have too many team issues, while the Thunder play great team ball. Expect them to take the series, but Kobe wont go down with out a fight. Don't be surprised if you find yourself watching the final game and screaming to Kobe, "Pass!"
Thunder in 6.

Yes, I am predicting both L.A, teams to lose at home. Wouldn't that be funny to watch L.A. fans watch one team fall, then the next one a day later?

Quick Predictions -
Miami vs Boston - Miami in 6
San Antonio vs OKC - San Antonio in 7
Finals - Miami vs San Antonio - Miami in 6

Straight up Roaming - The Bison

Nick "The Bison" Andrews
This is the same person who got best looking in High School
Words that Describe him -


I know I missed a few words (Creepy maybe?), but that is unimportant. I am here to discuss just one of these, the one that comes to mind with most people.
I know when I first met Nick, Athleticism was screaming at me. He had it all. The size, the strength, and the determination. He was a man among boys. Since those early days, I've been lucky enough to compete with him, and against him. This has allowed me to be there through it all. Because of that, I am going to discuss my favorite athletic memories.
Feel free to laugh. Don't worry. You will.

1. Freshman Year Basketball -
The Bison and I were the only two freshman who did open gym that year, and so we became good friends. During our first year, we both played on the Freshman team, and there were not many positive highlights, Our final record being 1-13. One of the highlights I do remember though, was a home game in the middle of the season. For some reason Nick's parents and grandparents came to watch, and it just so happened our team was awarded technical free throws due to a flagrant foul. Our Coach was not sure who he was going to have take them, because no one really got to the line besides me, and I had a miserable percentage. He decided to go with Nick, remembering that he shot them well in practice, though never taking one in a game. The person who shots the technical free  throw is expected to be the best shooter you have, so Nick stepped to the line and did what only Nick could do. Air ball. A technical free throw. With Mom, Dad, and the Grandparents all watching. Only Nick.
2. Golf -
Nick is the first person who ever got me into golf, and when he was in high school, he actually was on the golf team. Though on the golf team, he was really inconsistent, and sometimes it provided for some laughs. It was my second or third time golfing, and Nick and I decided to go to a par 3 golf course. The others times I played with nick, he beat me by over ten strokes. This time though, he posted a score so high, that I would have had to drive with my putter to beat it. When we finished 9 holes, Nick shot a 61. The par was 27. He found a way to shoot 34 over, a feat that only came about when he shot an 8 over par on one hole, then followed it up with a ten over par. Only Nick.
3. Golf Highlight #2 -
I have been lucky enough to have a few highlights with Nick on the course, and the other came on a different day. We were golfing at an actual course, and Nick had set himself up for a two foot putt, something he does not miss. I told my friend, who was also golfing with us, that I would get him to miss it. I decided to yell to Nick, something like, "You better not miss." When he took the putt, he of course missed, and I started laughing, as did my friend. This caused an already frustrated Nick to throw his golf ball at me, leaving a small mark. Only Nick.
4. Throwing a Frisbee -
This happened only a week ago. Nick was up on campus with me, and we were throwing a Frisbee. He was on a hill, while I was on flat ground. I tossed the Frisbee to him, and when he went to get it, he forgot he was on a hill, and just straight face planted. This actually gave me the idea for this blog. Only Nick.
5. Big 8 Basketball -
Nick and I found ourselves on the same basketball team, this time in a school wide league, and he was making his first appearance of the season. Nick was excited to play, cause he can actually shot pretty well, and he knew the lazy defense would give him room to take his jumper. On the court for the first time, Nick took a few shots, and was getting into his flow, only to find a way to hurt himself within 5 minutes. He came down the court, and took a shot, but then was in pain. Yep, he messed up his groin, due to a lack of stretching. Only Nick.
6. Tossing a Football -
Nick and I were at my house tossing a football, just messing around. It was going well, and then we decided to just make the distance longer and longer until I found myself on my back porch and Nick out in the middle of the yard. I made a long toss, but Nick didn't read it right, and attempted to let it bounce once, and then get it. This proved to be a bad idea, as the football ended up bouncing right into his region, and he layed in my yard for 20 minutes (I kid you not) and moaned. Only Nick.
7. Track -
Senior year, Nick decided to run Track, running distance. One of the practices he found himself needing to use the restroom, so he went off to the side to pee in the woods. When he came back to the team though, it was assumed he either didn't make it to the woods, or just couldn't aim. Only Nick.
8. Baseball -
It was sophomore year, and our coach decided to put Nick out in the Right Field, with both the coach and  Nick hoping the ball would not be hit his way. Of course, things didn't go according to plans, and a high fly ball came his way. To Nick and our coaches surprise, he caught it, and when he came in from the outfield, our coach told him he closed his eyes when the ball came at Nick. Surprisingly, Nick responded, "So did mine." Only Nick.
9. Soccer -
Just seeing Soccer on this list should get some laughs. Nick attempted to play soccer Senior year of high school, and though it only lasted about a week, the memories were good. The one I'll never forget though, was when he came to practice with a coffee cup instead of a water bottle. We were laughing at him for the cup, but then it only got funnier when he let us in on what he was drinking, which was lemonade. Nick had been playing sports his whole life, and for some reason he though Lemonade was a good choice for practice? Really? Only Nick.
10. Soccer #2 -
We were at the Herrmann's house playing World Cup Soccer, and it was down to Nick and Peter's little brother, who was 12 at the time. Whoever scored would advance, and Nick was having a difficult time just staying with Kevin. As things progressed, it was clear that though Kevin was 6 years younger than Nick, he was a far superior soccer player. Kevin ended up Nut megging Nick, and then scoring, which was followed by Kevin running around the yard with his shirt over his head. Yep, Bison lost to a 12 year old. Only Nick.
11. Soccer #3 -
Some how Nick always has known how to make soccer entertaining, even though he has never played on an organized team. Another Soccer highlight I wont soon forget was when the Varsity Soccer team decided to have short short day, an idea I had been trying to implement for a while. Nick had been coming to an occasional practice, and when he heard about short short day, he was totally in. When we all arrived at practice, the results were mixed. Some guys, too manly or too self conscience, decided not to partake. On the other hand, we had some men wearing there sisters shorts, taking it too far. Then we had the normal guys, doing what we had talked about, wearing THEIR shortest shorts. Nick decided to one up everyone though, going with his sisters bed shorts, which basically were boxers. Everyone on the team couldn't stop laughing and wondering what he was thinking. Only Nick.
12. Baseball #2 -
Nick never was really on Coach's good side, and it only proved to be more true, when we were having practice in the cage. I was hitting, and all of sudden, someone dropped a bat on the ground. I turned to see who it was, and to my surprise, it was not Nick, but an even goofier guy, Jimmy Sepik. When Coach heard the bat drop, he just looked over at Jimmy and Nick, and yelled, "Sepik, Andrews, get out of here!" and he told them to leave the gym. Nick really did not do anything, but normally just being by Jimmy had that effect. Only Nick.
13. Disc Golf -
Nick and a few friends of mine were disc golfing, and Nick was off to a bad start, as usual. His drives, mid-range, and putts were all inconsistent. Though all of this was true, he remained verbally confident. As we approached the fifth whole, Nick was aware that the hole was easy, and that all he needed to do was get it across the river, for a chance to par. He wound up, and released. Maybe the worst drive ever. Nick threw it a total of two feet, tops, hitting the tree right in front of him. What made it even funnier was the fact he was using my brothers new disc. Only Nick.
14. Bowling -
The last sports memory on the list, I'll never forget Senior year bowling. Bernardo convinced my friends and I to all join the bowling team, and it was quite an experience. I never really liked bowling, but it was free, so I did it. Nick had a few highlights, and actually, was a good bowler, but the only thing people will really remember was his stance. most people got low when they threw, but Nick took it to a new level, Sticking his butt out so far. It was funny just to watch him play. Only Nick.

Now I have shared fourteen different sports memories with you. I hope you laughed a little, and remember, the Bison is always roaming!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

FUS 2011-2012

As Freshman Year has comes to close, I think it is only right to discuss the top moments for myself, which for the most part, should follow closely with others. I just want to say, it has been a pleasure being here at Franciscan.
Top 10 Moments of the 2011-2012 School Year
(No Particular Order)
(Began 4-29-12 and updated 05-10-12)
10. Formal -
 Had to go with this. Let me tell you, it was a blast. Right when we arrived, we got a smell of what was to come, of course that being the Body sweat. The night turned into a memorable one, and it was awesome to spend it with my household brothers and also my friends. I can also say the group I went with was pretty much great looking, so that helped. After Formal, well, I did not go to bed till the next day, at noon. I chose to hang out in a hot tub instead of sleeping. I am definitely always going to remember that night. Thank you everyone who was involved in making that a night to remember.
9. Born of the Spirit Retreat -
 I've been on numerous retreats in my lifetime, and BOS was another one to remember. It was my second retreat at Gilmary this school year, but it will not be forgotten. The Holy Spirit was really at work, and the people there were awesome as well. At this point, I plan on being on the BOS team for next semester, and it is something I look forward to. It was also the first time I met Matty-D so it was good.
8. March 4 Life Weekend and March -
With most of my friends going to D.C. before the March, I stayed behind, and though a little upset, it turned out to be a great weekend. The thing I remember the most was getting to know Moira Delaney, and I am so glad I did. I hung out with four people that weekend, Regina, Marianna, Moira, and Manion, and it was fantastic.
7.Four Day in D.C. -
 The Nation's Capital gave me two memorable moments, and one was four day. Going up with a good group, we stayed the night at three different houses, and just lived it up. We visited a few monuments, had some laughs, enjoyed ourselves.
6. Camping Trip after Exams -
 A recent memory, I found myself at Jefferson Lake with 40 or so people, just enjoying our last night together. Though some people had already left, we made due, and what a time it was. We had a fire, music, and just sat around talking. It also helped that Night fishing proved to be entertaining along with Bridge accidents. It was a fine way to cap off a wonderful semester. And guess what? We all had fun without Alcohol. Yes, it is possible!
5. Intermurals -
I am a huge sports fan (if you can't tell by my jersey's, baseball hats, and obsession with ESPN and stats.) Intermurals allowed me to compete while here, and I loved it. Intermural Football was probably my favorite, playing QB, but Basketball, Frisbee and V-Ball were all fun also. I personally didn't win any championships, but memorable moments include, beating the Brothers in football, an OT loss in the Basketball playoffs, and a 17-16 loss in the Frisbee Championship, on a team that played for Neal.
4. Joining The Brothers of the Eternal Song -
This is the topic I could probably spend the most time on, mainly because it is something that I'll hopefully be partaking in all four years that I am here. When first semester rolled around, I was not sure I'd be joining a household, but I was around the Brothers alot, and decided to intent. Now in household, I am very blessed to be a part of it. I get upset with the guys alot, and sometimes I wish we were all better men, but I don't regret joining. Household has helped form me alot, and I am so thankful for some of the people who have helped along the way. Also, I am very excited to see household next semester, with alot of people being gone, it will be a chance to really make it ours, and hopefully make changes for the better.
3. Orientation Weekend and University Day -
It is suprising to me, thinking about all the people I met at University Day and Orientation week, and seeing how close I became with all of them. I really made some great friendships, and I am so glad I met all of you. Sad to say, but Facebook really helped with meeting people, and though embarrasing as it is, I am glad they had the Franciscan group. Dinner with Twelve Strangers was a fun time during O. Weekend, and the dance was one heck of a time.
2. Exams and Studying -
Just messing. I was done with my final exams on Friday,and really did not have to study a whole lot this semester.
2. Jamaica -
Technically not a school moment, but none the less, I am counting it. I was fortunate enough to go to Jamaica with 30 other Franciscan Students, and it was a beautiful experience. I was able to share Christ's love with the people of Jamaica and just be there for them. The memories were numerous, and shall not be forgotten anytime soon. I also formed a few close friendships, and I thank God for the experience.
1. Daily Mass and the Sacraments -
Honestly, we should have all seen this coming (This is Franciscan). Franciscan is such an awesome place, and the gift of daily mass along with weekly confession only make it better. I am from a family where we try and go to daily mass anyways, so coming to Franciscan, I was able to transition smoothly, and continue to go. I found out that I needed mass more then ever, and when I didn't go, I normally made an excuse and felt bad. Recieving Jesus was the best part of my day, and I looked forward to it. It was also nice being part of Music Ministry and Lectoring, along with sitting next to friends in mass, knowing that they too felt the same way as you when it came to the importance of prayer and mass.

I am sure I left out some big thing, and I'll remember it a few days later, but no matter. Freshman year was a blast, and I hope the next three years are only better.