Austria Predictions
In exactly thirteen days, I will be arriving at the Kartause
with all my fellow classmates who have decided to study abroad this fall. There
is about 180 of us, and I am most excited for our time there. With that though,
I thought it would be fun to try and make a few predictions about our time over
there. I'm sure most of them will be wrong, but this is really just for fun.
I thank Michael Weber for the inspiration/continual nagging to do this.
Without further ado:
Most likely to have their passport/wallet
stolen or lost:
Need I say more? |
The first thing I'd like to predict is something that seems
to happen with every group that goes over there – someone losing or having
their passport stolen. Who do I expect this to happen to? There are many people
I could possibly see this happening to, but I think the odds are good that Sarah
“DJ Freaky” Bueche does this. I truly hope it doesn't happen, but if it
does, I wouldn't be surprised. Chance this happens? 25%
Most likely to befriend strangers:

While in Europe, everyone we meet will be a stranger. It will
be very easy to ignore the people around us, or just kind of act like they
aren't there, but I know at least one person who wont do this at all. This
person will probably be talking to everyone, and I wouldn't be the least bit
surprised to find out they made some lifetime friends from their train rides or
times at restaurants. This person is one of the most outgoing people I know, at
least in this way. I truly love this trait about him. I'm talking about
Manion. I'm sure we have all seen him do this at one point or another.
He'll talk to anyone. Great trait. Chance this happens? 100%.
3. Most likely to miss their train or bus:

I think this is one that could easily happen to anyone.
Traveling is not easy, and if you aren't careful, you can easily miss stuff.
When I was thinking about this one though, one person came to mind. This person
will tell you they aren't too good with directions, and I feel like they could
easily just miss a bus or train cause they got lost. This person is none other
Cj Irvin. Luckily for him, if this does happen, someone will
definitely help him out. Can anyone reject Cj? I know I can't. Chance this
happens? 33%
Most likely to do something illegal:
This face says it all. Look out Austria... |
We are gonna be in countries that we have never been to, and
with that, we probably wont know all their rules and whatnot. With that, it
would be very easy to break the law, intentional or unintentional. Who could I
see doing this? Becca Radzinski. Why Becca? Cause she is all about
having fun, and you can't let a little law like “no going beyond this point”
get in the way of your trip and having maximum fun. Heck, I hope this happens.
If it makes for a good story... #NoRegrets Chance this happens? 75%
5. Most likely to spend a night in the hospital:
Just a slip away from injury.. |
"Expect the unexpected." You never know how things are going to play out, and I feel like injuries are one of those things you can never predict, but in this case, I'll try anyways. If I had to guess someone would end up in the hospital, I would guess J-Rad. Why Joseph? Well the way I see it, J-Rad is just someone who will do a bunch of crazy things, like jump off a building or climb a tree. One of these things could come back to haunt him. We shall see. Chance this happens? 23%
6. Most likely to be everyone's best friend at the Bar:

To get this title, the person has to be super social, super generous, and a drinker as well. I also think this has to be a guy, cause I don't think girl's will be buying drink for guys (Girls, please prove me wrong!) It is also tough, because I don't think our friends are really going to be drinking too much, but I think I have someone who will work. The man who inspired this blog,
Mike Weber. If Michael is at a bar, he'll super fun to be with, but also, he might buy a few people drinks... Let's hope. Chance this happens? 48%
At least once, right?
7. Most likely to get searched on a train or plane:
This person has a bit of history. Let's just say a cop or two in Steubenville know his name. Bernardo Gonzalez. Will this happen? Let's hope, because we all love a good Bernardo story. Just imagine him coming in to the room and being like, "Guess what happened to me at the train station?" Followed by the Snaz eye roll. I know I want to hear this story, and right now it is just fictional! Chance this happens? 31%
8. Most likely to spend all there money and need to get more from home:

We are going to be in Europe for almost four months. It will be very easy to go over there and spend a few thousand dollars. The thing is, we all will have a budget and hopefully we can stay within that amount of money. Sometimes though, you spend more then you expected. This is not an easy one to predict, as I had to think about it, but I went with
Tim McNamera. This is a long shot, but only because it is hard to gauge how someone will be with there money. Chance this happens? 5%
9. Most likely to find treasure in Europe:
Yes, I am just throwing this in for you two. I know two men who plan on spending extensive time discussing and maybe even finding buried treasure. The fact that the treasure they probably look to find has been lost for years doesn't mean they wont do it. When Tim Penney and James Sweeney are together, anything is possible... Chance this happens? 99% I like their chances.
10. Most likely to fall in love, marry someone in Europe and not come back with us to the States:
I decided for the last one, I would pick both a girl and a guy.
She already is getting to know Ben and Jerry, why not Vladimir? |
When it comes to women, I thought this one was an easy one. This girl just wants to do what the Lord's will is, and that means she could end up Marrying Vladimir from that nice bar in that far off country. They will meet, and he'll be instantly charmed by her eyes and caught off guard by her voice, but before long, they'll be in love. Dominique Peters, we will definitely miss you. Enjoy life in Europe! Chance this happens? 50% It's really a coin toss.
Maybe Rick can come too? |
Now we look at guys. This one is difficult as well, but after a little thought, I decided I could see Dan Hass getting married over there. Dan already hates the way Obama is doing things, so if he can move away and start an family over in Europe why not? He'd have to find a good Catholic country, so I'm thinking Vatican City might be best. I heard whoever is in charge over there is Catholic, but I could be wrong. Who knows? Chance this happens? 20%
Well I want to say thank you for anyone who read this. This upcoming semester is going to be unbelievable and I'm just glad I get to share it will all of you!
"He died for me, so I must live for him."