What Drink Are You? Austria Version
12-17-13 and 12-19-13
When studying abroad this semester, a question kept being asked, which was, "What drink best describes you?" A funny question, I decided I would make a blog on it. I had planned on doing it months ago, aka, during the semester, but that never happened. I guess this Christmas break will have to do!
So without further ado -
This is how it works – I choose a beverage I
think someone is and then I explain it... If I want to.
Welp, here it goes:
Christiana Martinelli
Italian White Wine – I don't think
an explanation is really necessary. But... I will anyway. Have you met Tina? She basically is just a little drop of Italy. It also helps that her lovely boyfriend, Joseph, is also a delightful Italian.
Mary Neihaus
Peach Wine – Mary and Tina are best friends, and so it only makes sense that they would be similar drinks.
Daniel Fay
Corona with Lime – Racist? You
Michael Anderson30 Rack of Keystone – Maybe a bit trashy, but lets be real, Anderson is always a good time!
Michael Weber
Tequila – If you know Weber, and if you know what happens when you drink Tequila, this makes perfect sense.
Dennis Hoyer
Blue Moon – Dennis likes to live his life to the fullest, never taking a moment off. Blue Moon is a beer that is all about living life to the fullest. What an experience!
Tim Penney
Moon Shine – Tim was a tricky one but the way I see it is, does anyone really know what is in Moonshine? Does anyone fully understand Tim?
James Sweeney
Captain Morgan – Naturally Sweeney had to be a Pirate related drink and just like the Captain, James rocks a beard. Also, just as the Captain has his own boat that carries around his crew, James has his "Taxi Service" which is done with his white car.
Becca Radzinski
2L of Budget Wine – Becca enjoys her drinks, responsibility. She also enjoys her drinks, cheaply.
Chuy Lopez
Dos XX – This may or may not have to do with the fact Chuy is Mexican...
CJ Irvin
Sex on the Beach in a Micky Mouse Cup – Now this one might need a little bit of an explanation... But I can't really explain. Sorry! CJ understands why!
Patrick Manion
Blue Dolphin on the Rocks – As we all know, Patrick drinks one drink and one drink only – The Dolphin! He never seems to put it down, but with this drink, that is a good thing.
Olivia Cundiff
Champagne – Olivia is always willing to hangout and celebrate. Celebrate what? Life, if that is all that is going on! She is a very hospitable person and just like Champagne, she'll pop out and you know its celebration time!
Raddler – Part Lemonade, Part Beer. J-rad – Part genius, part crazy.
Dominique Peters
Mike's Light – Dominique is not a big drinker, so that is why we use the Mike's light. She is also like a Mike's, very sweet and nice, with a little kick. Also, you can never have enough Mike's, and you can never have enough Domi! She also dated a guy named Mike while in Austria ;)
Thomas Sabol
PBR – The cheap, college beer, PBR is sometimes referred to as “The Underrated Cheap Beer.” Thomas is not cheap, but he is definitely underrated, and worth getting to know.
Fermented Hawk Urine – Turns out that in the Mountains of Northern China, the most sacred and sought after drink is Fermented Hawk Urine, which they call “The Dive Bomb.” It is often misunderstood, and hard to get a hold of. This describes Mike, who is sometimes misunderstood and hard to figure out. At the same time, when one tries this drink, they are never disappointed. When you get to know Mike, you're never disappointed.
Mark Rainwater
Virgin Rum and Coke – Mark is always ready to just do something fun and crazy, and if you didn't know him, you might think he is on a sugar high. He isn't; he is just that fun! Don't drink too much Mark!
Rachel Roggensack
A little bit of this, and a little bit of that – Rachel is just so much fun, and I just decided one type of drink can't describe her. She really is friends with everyone, and with good reason. She is just so nice and easy to get along with.
Liz Cunningham
Coffee with Bailey's - We all know Elizabeth is a genius, and is headed to get her doctorate after school, so she will need some caffeine to keep her going. I assume she will find this source in a good cup or good couple of cups of coffee. Just remember when you become a doctor, to not forget about us little people!
Maggie Walker
Malibu and Coke – Margaret is not really a drinker, but if she does drink, she prefers Malibu. Just like Malibu, Maggie is super sweet.
Hannah Allman
Spiked Hot Chocolate – Hannah is one of the nicest girls I know, and she always knows how to make your day a little better, just by giving you that warm smile. She also gets cold easily, so Hot Choco makes sense. Both Hannah and Hot Choco know how to warm up someone's day.
Maggie Walker
Malibu and Coke – Margaret is not really a drinker, but if she does drink, she prefers Malibu. Just like Malibu, Maggie is super sweet.
Hannah Allman
Spiked Hot Chocolate – Hannah is one of the nicest girls I know, and she always knows how to make your day a little better, just by giving you that warm smile. She also gets cold easily, so Hot Choco makes sense. Both Hannah and Hot Choco know how to warm up someone's day.
Nicole Smith
SPAR Peach Wine – Lets face it, the girl loves her peach wine. So much that she bought it off of me earlier in the semester. If you ever want to do that again Nicole, just let me know!
Anne Marie Lata
Long Island Ice Tea - This drink really is too perfect for Anne Marie. She is in love with tea, and can literally drink excessive amounts of it, but she is also from the state of New York. Also, just as a Long Island is a mix of a lot of stuff, Anne Marie is a bit of everything also.
Annemarie Pankus
Jameson - Annemarie is one of those people who just loves having fun, and it is contagious. You find yourself wanting to have fun like she is. Jameson Whiskey is a fine drink and you can enjoy it for its taste but also can help with having a good time, if drank responsibly. All things in Moderation.
Amy Silvaroli
Amaretto straight - Amy enjoyed her Amaretto while in Austria, and she
often just drank it straight. How is she like Amaretto? Well Amaretto
has a lot of different things it mixes with, and Amy has a lot of
different friends, from multiple friend groups. She gets along with
pretty much everyone, just like Amaretto.

Dan Hass
Natural Light - Nothing more completely describes Dan Hass like Natural Light. Dan is classy, smart and interesting. Natural Light is classy, a smart drink, and filled with intrigue. You wouldn't find Dan at some trashy party or some ragger, just like you would never find Natural Light at either of those places. Dan is a man of the finer things, and Natural Light is one of those finer things. Michigan Fans drink Natural Light, while OSU fans drink Cobra's.
Natural Light - Nothing more completely describes Dan Hass like Natural Light. Dan is classy, smart and interesting. Natural Light is classy, a smart drink, and filled with intrigue. You wouldn't find Dan at some trashy party or some ragger, just like you would never find Natural Light at either of those places. Dan is a man of the finer things, and Natural Light is one of those finer things. Michigan Fans drink Natural Light, while OSU fans drink Cobra's.
Colleen MurphyChurch Wine (Before it is Consecrated) - Colleen is easily one of the nicest and holiest girls I know, and so making her Church wine seemed like a no brainier.
Maura Kennedy
A dusty bottle of Glenfiddich Thirty Year Old Malt Whiskey, located on a bookshelf in a private library - This is Maura Kennedy we are talking about. She is one of the most interesting people I've ever met, and you know this fits her perfectly. She has adventurous written all over her, and though this bottle is found in a library, only the most adventurous people have a thirty year old bottle of Whiskey. Cheers to you Miss Kennedy.
Keri Landeche
Sazerac - Nothing says New Orleans like the famous cocktail, the Sazerac. It has actually been named the official cocktail of New Orleans, and we all know Keri loves her New Orleans. After you have a few Sazerac's, you'll find yourself laughing, and when your with Keri, someone is always laughing, even if it is normally just her.
Sarah Bueche
Fire Shots - The BuecherBasket is crazy, in the best way possible. Fire Shots are crazy, in the best way possible. Perfect match. The Bar literally lights shots on fire! ON FIRE!
Kolbe SpencerLiquor Cabinet - Maybe my favorite one of them all, Kolbe can't be described by one drink alone. He is always himself, but that doesn't mean you know what to expect from him. Pending on his mood, he might want to hangout with everyone, and just be the hoot of the party, and at other times, he might just want to hangout by himself and watch movies. It really just depends. He is a Liquor cabinet for sure, in how he acts and with what he drinks.
Captain Morgan Tattoo - Beteil is one of those people who will not just drink anything. She needs the finer things, and that is where Captain Morgan Tattoo comes in. It is a fine drink and really describes her. Beteil is a pirate in how she is always looking for adventure, and she loves wearing the color black, as she should, because it looks so nice on her. Are there other connections? None that I can think of, but maybe you can!
Moira Delaney
A few Guinness's- Moira Delaney is as Irish as it gets, including the fact that she has been drinking since she was in diapers. Just kidding... Maybe? She is totally a Guinness, a true taste of Ireland!
Regina Monsour
A Manhattan - A Manhattan is a drink I've never had, but I hear it is good. I do know that the glass used for a Manhattan is a cocktail glass, which are tall and skinny, and Regina is definitely tall and skinny. Manhattan's pack a little punch, and Regina will surprise you. She is also a hard worker, and this is a drink for the working world.
Bernardo Gonzalez
A Margarita - Bernardo and Margarita's have multiple things in common but one very distinct thing - Girl's can't get enough of them. Margarita's are always being drank by girls, and Bernardo is always surrounded by girls. He can't help it - When you run a 10.66 in the 4x1, you are bound to have girls surrounding you. I'm just messing, Bernardo is not a tool, but girls do love his company, and go figure, Margarita's are a Hispanic drink, and Bernardo is Hispanic also!
Claire Fitzgerald
Black Russian - A White Russian is a very girly drink, but a Black Russian is the opposite, being ranked as one of the most manly drinks out there. Well, Claire is a Big, Bad, Boy so it made perfect sense. When you get done punching people, chopping down trees, growing your beard out and drinking milk from the carton, take a second to appreciate how big and bad you really are!
Tori Mahon
Stella Artois - This is the most popular alcohol beverage in Britain, and it has the word Stella in it! This was a no-brainer for Torth.
Randi Yeager
Arizona Iced Tea with a shot of Jager - I couldn't get away from Randi's roots, with the whole Arizona thing, and Jager is great cause it is her last name. Randi will be out on a hike and all of a sudden, she will grab her flask and start mixing her alcohol with her Iced Tea. Perfect!
Madeline Eichman
Mini Keg - Madeline is honestly one of my favorite people, and the biggest reason is because she is CRAZY! Just a real ball of energy, Madeline is just your average Mini Keg! Enjoy!
Sarah Clark
Multivitamin Juice - Sarah Clark is one of the nicest people ever and just a real sweetheart, so I couldn't even kid with her and make her some alcoholic beverage. She enjoys her juice and just as juice is innocent, so is Sarah.
Katie Danaher
Palinka aka Romanian Moonshine - You may or may not know this, but Katie went to Romania for 10 day break. While there, we were introduced to this drink called Palinka and Katie went to town... Want to party? Just invite Katie.
Jayne Gillam
Strawberry Daiquiri - A fun and tasty drink, Jayne is one of those girls who is really adventurous but is also just a sweetheart. I don't think I've ever heard a bad thing come out of her mouth or someone say something bad about her, and I don't think anyone has ever said anything bad about Strawberry Daiquiris.
Tim McNamera
Sangria - T-Mac is Spanish. So are Sangria's. Enough said.
Regina Anderson
Screwdriver - Regina is literally a little ball of joy and always knows how to put a smile on someones face, which makes me think of the sun, the color orange, and screwdrivers!
Joey Pontarelli
Red Wine - No need to say why, because we all know why. Oh Tina!
Doug Crawford
Cotton Candy Smirnoff - I thought I would describe Doug with his favorite drink. Doug is just a nice little German guy.
Stephen Wilson
Bulmers Cider - "Yeah guys, I've only had four." "Who wants to drink mildew?"
Luke Palguta
Alcohol of any kind - Luke with his alcohol is like some people with there food, "I'll eat whatever you have," or in his case, "I'll drink whatever is available." God Bless Luke and his love of all things. What a man.
Well that is about it. If I forgot you, I apologize and if you want, I can add you to the list!
Hope you had a few laughs throughout.
God Bless!
"He died for me, so I will live for Him."