Into the Breach
An Apostolic Exhortation by Thomas J. Olmsted, Bishop of Phoenix
We are
under attack.
Satan wants us to burn in Hell.
What are we going to do about it?
My brothers and
Sisters - the simple truth is
- we have a decision to make. We have to pick sides. Either we
give of ourselves, and join up with Heaven and the army of Saints, or we put
our selfish ambitions and feelings of pleasure first, and join sides with Hell
and the army of demons.
Bishop Olmsted of
Phoenix recently wrote an apostolic exhortation on the present state of our
culture, and called out men in particular. He called men "Into the
Breach." Too often, men (yes, I'm talking about myself) find themselves
standing on the sidelines of the battle for souls, the battle that is going on
every single day.
Men! We have a call!
isn't something that can take lightly. There is a real calling to fight today!
Bishop Olmsted focused on men in particular in his exhortation because he knows
how much men are resisting the call, and how our world is suffering because of
He doesn't waste any time sugar coating the situation, but is very clear and concise.
asks three questions: He doesn't waste any time sugar coating the situation, but is very clear and concise.
1) What does it mean to be a Catholic man?
2) How does a Catholic man love?
3) Why is fatherhood, fully understood, so crucial for every man?
With these questions, he invites man into an examination of self. Change can only occur once there is a realization it needs to happen in the first place.
With question one, "What does it mean to be a Catholic man?" he starts by speaking about how Pontius Pilate says of Jesus, Ecce Home which means, "Here is the man!" What a statement! Underneath it, we realize he is talking about God, and how God became man, so he could save us. "Nowhere else can we find the fullness of masculinity as we do in the Son of God!" (Into the Breach, pg. 9)

He continues, speaking of the importance of our identity, and having it formed in Christ. Once we realize that we have a God who made us in his image and likeness, we can begin to better live out the message of love, and fight the battles that are right in front of us: the battles of the flesh, of possessiveness, of pride. Bishop Olmsted hits on the point that Jesus fought all three of these and defeated them. We too can do the same.
To finish off that first question, Bishop Olmsted hits on the need for continual practices that can be done to strengthen our relationship with God. Just like a baseball player will eventually fail without practice, a man, no matter how strong his character may be, will fail in his relationship with God, unless he picks up habits and practices that are life giving. He calls man to pray daily, go to Mass, examine his conscience, read Holy Scripture, and keep the Sabbath. He also urges men to go to confession monthly, and build relationships with other men, so as to strengthen the bonds of virtue (Into the Breach, pg. 15-17).
iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." Proverbs 27:17
Question two asks, "How does a Catholic man love?" In Scripture, Jesus tells us to "love one another as I have loved you," (John 15:12). We come to realize the type of challenge this is as we reflect on the conversation that Jesus has with St. Peter following His resurrection. Jesus asks Peter if he loves him, with an Agape love, which is the highest form of love, that loves fully and without reserve. Peter tells Jesus that he loves him, but it is a filios love, which is a brotherly love (John 21:15-19). Due to our human frailty, we have to be honest with ourselves, and admit that we cannot love and do not love God like we should. Even still, we do have a duty to love Him the best we can, frailties aside.
Bishop Olmsted states that, "Love is not a side job: it is a mission itself" (Into the Breach, pg. 17). We must fully dive into His calling of love, and look to try and follow the true love of Christ, which is "centered on willing the good of the other, on pouring oneself out in charity for others... Sacrifice is at the heart of love” (Into the Breach, pg. 18).
From there, Bishop Olmsted reflects on three types of love: Friend, Husband and Father.

it comes to that love formed in friendship, he talks about a "Band of
Brothers" and gives examples of holy men who sought sanctity together, and
through that, ended up in the choir of saints. Ever heard of St. Ignatius of
Loyola and St. Francis Xavier? Or St. Francis of Assisi and St. Dominic? These
men helped one another in their struggle to live virtuously for Christ. In
scripture it says, "A friend is a
friend at all times, and a brother is born for the time of adversity"
(Proverbs 17:17). Sainthood is to be achieved with help from others who are
seeking the same thing. (Into the Breach, pg. 20)
Following friendship, Bishop Olmsted talks about the love of a husband, and quotes St. Josemaria Escriva, "there is a need for a crusade of manliness and purity to counteract and nullify the savage work of those who think man is beast, and that crusade is your work." He is not calling man out, but calling him on! We have a mission. Man is called to lead his wife, and she is called to follow.
can only be done if the man is preparing beforehand. Yes, preparation is key!
The building of virtue is not only for older people, but instead, for people of
all ages. The French playwright Paul Claudel says, "Youth was not made for
pleasure, but for heroism." Heroism is not founded on selfishness, but on
selflessness. The call to pursue virtue begins now! Prepare yourself for your
future spouse (Into the Breach, pg. 21). (Need a good prayer to pray?
Check out St. Anthony's Be Satisfied with Me.")Following friendship, Bishop Olmsted talks about the love of a husband, and quotes St. Josemaria Escriva, "there is a need for a crusade of manliness and purity to counteract and nullify the savage work of those who think man is beast, and that crusade is your work." He is not calling man out, but calling him on! We have a mission. Man is called to lead his wife, and she is called to follow.

He also talks about the need to build purity of heart, and through this, "You will not only see God in the women in your lives but also in yourselves, also the "image of God!"” A hopeful message to say the least! (Into the Breach, pg. 25)
Question three, just as loaded as the last two, is, “Why is fatherhood, fully understood, so crucial for every man?" To start this section off, Bishop Olmsted begins with the strong words of, "Fatherhood changes History" (Into the Breach, pg. 26). It does, in fact, change history, but it also needs to be fully understood. Satan does not want this. He does not want man to understand the crucial role of the Father, because if man does come to realize its significance and importance, it will give a glimpse of what God's fatherhood looks like (Into the Breach, pg. 27).
With a true understanding of fatherhood, people can come to know God greater, and with that, family life can be changed for the better. The man's presence within the family is irreplaceable. I can personally attest to that! I would not be the person I am today if it were not for my father and the role he played and still plays in my life. Fathers have a "God-given role as protector, provider, and spiritual leader of their homes" (Into the Breach, pg. 28).
This call is for all men! Men, we must step up, and go "Into the Breach!"
Lastly, Bishop Olmsted gives his concluding remarks:
"Our life in Christ is not one of "do's and don'ts,"
but an adventure in authentic freedom.
Embrace that freedom in order to place your life at the service of Christ,
beginning in your home and radiating into the world."
(Into the Breach, pg. 31)
To read the full Apostolic Exhortation - Into the Breach.
Thank you to all who took the time to read this! Let us continue to pray for one another and our ongoing call to serve God and his people! Give God everything, and he will give you so much more!
God Alone.
"He died for me, so I will live for Him."