Tuesday, April 16, 2013


It has been four months since I last blogged, and I want to apologize. I truly do love writing and sharing my thoughts, feelings, ideas, and such. I have been quite bad at this of late though, and it is in large part because of the hectic schedule I have. Am I always busy? No, not really. Sometimes, I am quite free actually. But when I do end up being busy, I am over loaded, and so I normally chose to use my free time for something relaxing, like watching Netflix, or hanging out with friends.
I am going to be more free this summer though, and I am hopefully going to be blogging a lot more often, and hopefully I can get back into the swing of things. I really do love writing. Now I just need to make the time for it.

Anyways, for this blog, I just want to give a little update on myself and how the Lord has been able to use me this semester.

I would say of the four semesters I have been in college, this one has been the most humbling and growth filled. It began with a trip to Jamaica for Mission work, which was a wonderfully blessed time. The Lord was very present during those ten days. When I returned from there, I was back in the flow of school. This semester I'm taking 18 credits, along with working two jobs, doing Music Ministry, Household stuff, Intramurals, Life in the Spirit and I also was helping with Born of the Spirit. So basically, I have been keeping myself busy.
Besides all that, I was also able to do Steube Mission, which in itself is worthy of its own blog. Such a powerful experience.
What else has gone on? A lot of growth. I am very prideful, and the Lord has been trying to humble me, and I got to say, he has done a pretty good job. He has basically told me, on more then one occasion, that he is in charge, and it is not me. I have not come to fully appreciate it yet, but I am trying to trust the Lord and understand that he has a plan for me.
Besides the growth and the busy schedule, I am getting prepared to embark on a trip to Europe in the Fall which I am super excited about. The Lord has definitely blessed me with that.
I guess I'm just chugging along, and trying to not put my plan before the Lord's. Easier said then done.
But thanks for reading this if you did.
God is good.
"He died for me, so I must live for him."