Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Sheep In Need of a Shepherd


Growing up, St. Francis Xavier was both my parish and school, but it was also my home. There was hardly a day I wasn't there, if it be for mass, school or sports. I really loved every aspect of it, including my pastor, Fr. Mark. He was a close family friend, and someone I customarily gave a hug to following mass. I was raised to have a great appreciation and love for priests, understanding how much the Lord uses them in building up the kingdom of God. They are truly Persona Christi, “In the person of Christ.” This appreciation and love followed me when my family moved to Steubenville, as I came to love and respect the new priests in my life. I can honestly say that besides my parents and siblings, the different priests in my life have had the biggest influence on who I am today. I love and admire these men in my life, and want nothing more than to be like them. I want to be docile to the spirit as they have shown me, and I want to be able to give myself fully over to the Lord, with no conditions or strings attached. This has been my experience of men wearing the collar. Far from perfect, but seeking heaven and looking to bring many souls with them.

Sadly, my experience is not everyones. This crisis in the church is indescribable, for all the wrong reasons. Abuse against children is once again at the forefront of our news, and has many people wondering if anything has changed from the last time this was brought to light in Boston. The numbers are staggering, and the fact that it includes men from all levels of the Church hierarchy only makes the stomach churn even more. It isn't just one man doing a lot of harm. No, it's hundreds, and even more added to the number on the count of inaction. The reality is this – anyone who is involved in this will be judged harshly but rightly by God, our Lord and Creator. The severity is unimaginable.

"Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; 
for the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14

The Kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. Children are pure and innocent. The men who have done these heinous crimes have directly interfered with that, broken that purity. To add to that, they continued on with their ministry, now blasphemous. They celebrated the sacraments, heard confessions, preached the word of God. I can't judge them at all, and pray and hope they all repented, but there are serious ramifications for the actions they've chosen. Souls have been lost because of this. And then there are the men who knew about this abuse and did little to nothing. They too are guilty for their sins of omission, and will also answer to God for that.

All in all, it's heartbreaking. The question I keep asking myself is, how did it ever get to this? The reality is, no one wakes up and says, “I want to sexually assault children.” The problem here seems to be more an inability to act, than anything else. These men let fear into their lives and listened to the lies the devil spoke to them. They stopped being what they were created to be – which is saints! They stopped accepting the graces of the moment, they stopped asking for Our Lady's intercession, and they let the devil have the final say. They stopped being children of God the Father, and no longer saw the vital role as shepherd's. Instead, they devoured their flock with sin.

So what is next?

I think we all know what needs to be done. Person by person, there has to be change. PRAYER and FASTING have to be taken up, an emphasis on the Eucharist must be at the forefront and lastly, we need to trust, remembering that God always wins in the end. Truly, we have to have hope for our future Church, no matter how ugly it might seem. And if you're looking for a practical way to make change and build up your church community, I highly suggest writing to your pastor, parochial vicar, bishop, priest friends, etc. and let them know they have your support and prayers. They need us in these moments, and we need them! We need to continue to have priests that seek holiness above all else, and want nothing more than to get their flocks to heaven. We need priests of action, and with our own action, we can help them get there! Mary, Mother of the Church, pray for us! Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!

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