Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How I got My License - 1,470 days later

How I got My License

The fact that there is a story behind me getting my license is ridiculous. Most kids around the age of fifteen and a half get their permit, drive for a few months, and shortly after turning sixteen, are  licensed drivers. Key here is, I said "most kids." Sadly, I was not to be like most kids. 

When I was sixteen years old, I got my permit, just like most. I might have been a few months behind, but I was still supposed to have it relatively early. But then things didn't go according to plan. 
My Dad decided that since Michael drove, I didn't need to myself. He also didn't want to pay for drivers education, so once everything was factored in, I was to wait till I turned 18. 
I was upset, but I understood, and I just bummed rides off of everyone. My local friends, if you are reading this, I know your head is moving up and down. Sorry about all those times. 
So I found myself turning 18 right before college began. Due to my work schedule though, I had very few days that I was able to renew my permit. I finally found an open day and went and took the test.
I failed.... 
How someone fails the permit test I do not know, but I got 29 out of 40 questions right... I needed to get 30... The worst part was, the question that got me was about tire measurements. How the heck am I supposed to know tire measurements. I was not about to open that book and read it! No freaking way.
Anyways, I took the test a few weeks later, and this time I passed. I was one step closer to getting my license. 
Then something happened... Freshman year. 
I got my permit the day before school began, and the first time I drove with that permit was the following summer. Now due to my limited time, I had a few months to develop as a driver, and a very busy schedule that would be getting in the way of my practicing. 
 I kept driving as much as I could, and I learned the local community college's parking lot pretty well,  but I didn't see the actual road until late July/early August, and even then, I was limited. 
The joke that my Dad liked was that I could be the first person to get my license who had never driven on the road. The permit instructor could be giving me the directions and I could tell them, "This is the first time I've done this!" Believe me though, I hated that joke. Driving in a parking lot is fun for a total of five minutes. After that, it just stinks. 
My permit expired on August 24, 2012. I was set on getting it before then, and when we finally set up the test, it was to take place on the last day possible, the 24th. 
Then life happened... 
My Father, a wonderful man, decided that it would not be good for me to get it yet. He asked the unthinkable of me - He asked me to wait until next summer. 
At this point, I'm a 19 year old who is about to live off campus for the school year. I was finally going to drive people around and what not, and now, it was not even a possibility. 
Sophomore year came and sophomore year went, a licenseless man I was. 
Then the summer began, and my goal was to get it before my birthday, which is July 21st. 
I got my permit in May, this time with no failings, and by July, I had set up my test. I was to take my test a few weeks before my birthday. 
Then my Dad said that the original test date wouldn't work... Then he switched it again...
Then I turned 20...
As you can see, this was a long drawn out four years. 
Finally, on July 30th, I took my test and I.....
Well, technically I got my license on that day, but this is when it gets funny/interesting.
I did receive my license, and I am legally allowed to drive, but if we base it off the score my driving instructor gave me, I failed. In Ohio, if you receive a 26 or higher on deductions, you fail your drivers test. He scored me 27... Well, I think he did. It was hard to read, and I couldn't really find an exact total, but I'm pretty sure I got a 27. 
So yes, after 1,470 days, I am finally a legal driver, even though, based on his score, I shouldn't be. In my defense though, he took off points for things I didn't even do wrong, but whatever. 
So yes, I can drive. Scary, I know. Look out Ohioan's, cause Brendan is coming your way! 
But really, I'm a fine driver. Don't fear, I drive the speed limit. And I'm deathly afraid of getting pulled over, mainly because I would die..
Welp, there's that.
 I hope my little story produced some laughs. I know the last four years have produced a lot for people. 
Thank for reading and God Bless! 

"He died for me, so I must live for him."

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