Thursday, May 10, 2012

FUS 2011-2012

As Freshman Year has comes to close, I think it is only right to discuss the top moments for myself, which for the most part, should follow closely with others. I just want to say, it has been a pleasure being here at Franciscan.
Top 10 Moments of the 2011-2012 School Year
(No Particular Order)
(Began 4-29-12 and updated 05-10-12)
10. Formal -
 Had to go with this. Let me tell you, it was a blast. Right when we arrived, we got a smell of what was to come, of course that being the Body sweat. The night turned into a memorable one, and it was awesome to spend it with my household brothers and also my friends. I can also say the group I went with was pretty much great looking, so that helped. After Formal, well, I did not go to bed till the next day, at noon. I chose to hang out in a hot tub instead of sleeping. I am definitely always going to remember that night. Thank you everyone who was involved in making that a night to remember.
9. Born of the Spirit Retreat -
 I've been on numerous retreats in my lifetime, and BOS was another one to remember. It was my second retreat at Gilmary this school year, but it will not be forgotten. The Holy Spirit was really at work, and the people there were awesome as well. At this point, I plan on being on the BOS team for next semester, and it is something I look forward to. It was also the first time I met Matty-D so it was good.
8. March 4 Life Weekend and March -
With most of my friends going to D.C. before the March, I stayed behind, and though a little upset, it turned out to be a great weekend. The thing I remember the most was getting to know Moira Delaney, and I am so glad I did. I hung out with four people that weekend, Regina, Marianna, Moira, and Manion, and it was fantastic.
7.Four Day in D.C. -
 The Nation's Capital gave me two memorable moments, and one was four day. Going up with a good group, we stayed the night at three different houses, and just lived it up. We visited a few monuments, had some laughs, enjoyed ourselves.
6. Camping Trip after Exams -
 A recent memory, I found myself at Jefferson Lake with 40 or so people, just enjoying our last night together. Though some people had already left, we made due, and what a time it was. We had a fire, music, and just sat around talking. It also helped that Night fishing proved to be entertaining along with Bridge accidents. It was a fine way to cap off a wonderful semester. And guess what? We all had fun without Alcohol. Yes, it is possible!
5. Intermurals -
I am a huge sports fan (if you can't tell by my jersey's, baseball hats, and obsession with ESPN and stats.) Intermurals allowed me to compete while here, and I loved it. Intermural Football was probably my favorite, playing QB, but Basketball, Frisbee and V-Ball were all fun also. I personally didn't win any championships, but memorable moments include, beating the Brothers in football, an OT loss in the Basketball playoffs, and a 17-16 loss in the Frisbee Championship, on a team that played for Neal.
4. Joining The Brothers of the Eternal Song -
This is the topic I could probably spend the most time on, mainly because it is something that I'll hopefully be partaking in all four years that I am here. When first semester rolled around, I was not sure I'd be joining a household, but I was around the Brothers alot, and decided to intent. Now in household, I am very blessed to be a part of it. I get upset with the guys alot, and sometimes I wish we were all better men, but I don't regret joining. Household has helped form me alot, and I am so thankful for some of the people who have helped along the way. Also, I am very excited to see household next semester, with alot of people being gone, it will be a chance to really make it ours, and hopefully make changes for the better.
3. Orientation Weekend and University Day -
It is suprising to me, thinking about all the people I met at University Day and Orientation week, and seeing how close I became with all of them. I really made some great friendships, and I am so glad I met all of you. Sad to say, but Facebook really helped with meeting people, and though embarrasing as it is, I am glad they had the Franciscan group. Dinner with Twelve Strangers was a fun time during O. Weekend, and the dance was one heck of a time.
2. Exams and Studying -
Just messing. I was done with my final exams on Friday,and really did not have to study a whole lot this semester.
2. Jamaica -
Technically not a school moment, but none the less, I am counting it. I was fortunate enough to go to Jamaica with 30 other Franciscan Students, and it was a beautiful experience. I was able to share Christ's love with the people of Jamaica and just be there for them. The memories were numerous, and shall not be forgotten anytime soon. I also formed a few close friendships, and I thank God for the experience.
1. Daily Mass and the Sacraments -
Honestly, we should have all seen this coming (This is Franciscan). Franciscan is such an awesome place, and the gift of daily mass along with weekly confession only make it better. I am from a family where we try and go to daily mass anyways, so coming to Franciscan, I was able to transition smoothly, and continue to go. I found out that I needed mass more then ever, and when I didn't go, I normally made an excuse and felt bad. Recieving Jesus was the best part of my day, and I looked forward to it. It was also nice being part of Music Ministry and Lectoring, along with sitting next to friends in mass, knowing that they too felt the same way as you when it came to the importance of prayer and mass.

I am sure I left out some big thing, and I'll remember it a few days later, but no matter. Freshman year was a blast, and I hope the next three years are only better.

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