Friday, May 25, 2012



Before I get into the topic at hand, I would like to share the reason for it. A week ago, I was given the opportunity to speak to High School boys, mostly Juniors, on this topic. My brother and I were not 100% sure what we were going to say, but when you let the Holy Spirit work in you, things normally go well. We said things that neither of us would have normally said (without the Holy Spirit), but it seemed we had a small impact on them. Since then, I feel it is very important to address this issue, and hopefully this will have an impact of some kind.

First things first. We have to go to the root of our being, the creation story.
" Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."
Genesis 1:26-27

In the first book of the bible, we see the creation story, and we are told that Man was created in God's image. Take a second and think about that. The God of the Universe, The Alpha and the Omega, The Beginning and the End, made us in his image! We are pathetic sinners, who deserve nothing of the sort, yet God made us in his image and likeness. We have been given dominion over all creatures, and the opportunity to have Eternal Life, if we stay the path! That's crazy if you really think about it.

Now before we get too ahead of ourselves, lets remember that later in Genesis, Adam and Eve sin, and hence the reason I had to use the word opportunity when it comes to Eternal life. Bummer, I know. So basically, we had it going great, and then Adam and Eve brought sin into the world, and the free pass to be in paradise went away. Luckily for Mankind, God sent his Son Jesus Christ, to redeem all of us. We all know the verse. John 3:16 - 
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
So there it is. We had it great, Adam and Eve messed up, we were in trouble, then Jesus died on the cross, and salvation becomes obtainable once more.
Nice story, but what does this have to do with manhood? Well, if Adam and Eve don't ever sin, we do not need Jesus, but they did, so enter the greatest man ever to walk the earth (It definitely helps that he is true God and true Man, just saying).

Jesus was everything a man should be: loving, selfless, courageous, humble - all things most men are not. In one sense, you could say he had it pretty good, being God and all, but his earthly Father prepared him well. And that's what I think we need to see. The Gospels emphasize Jesus' three years of ministry, but what they don't talk about a lot, is the human man who helped raise him, Joseph. Once Jesus is born, and Joseph did his part, he fades to the background. He humbly takes on the task of raising Jesus and taking care of Mary, but his time in the spotlight ends. In fact, we don't even know what happened to Joseph, or how he ended up dying. We know he is always found on Holy Cards, has multiple feast days, and was the only person who wasn't perfect in that house in Nazareth, but we don't know a whole lot more. And guess what? Joseph is one of if not the best example of a man besides Jesus, and this might be why. He didn't live for himself, but instead did everything he could to love Mary and Jesus.

So Joseph and Jesus, both real men. Check.

I know the question could be asked though, what about modern times? We all love Jesus and Joseph, and their examples, but times have changed, so wouldn't that mean the definition of Manhood has as well?
Well, not really. I'd say Guys are still expected to be all the things I listed earlier- loving, selfless, courageous and humble, and even more!
Society has this definition of Man, and is a twisted one.

In today's society, this is the look of a man.

What makes a man?
- Money
- Looks
- Power
- Attitude
- Way with Women
Looking at that list, we all know none of that makes a man, but society wants you to think it does, and in all honesty, it works. When you see a man roll up to a restaurant in a BMW, you think to yourself, well he is well off, or he's done well for himself. In movies, it is a bit overdone, but it the end, society wants us to believe that manhood is financial and personal success.
I just want to say. What a lie! The most manly men I know are not rich, and guess what, it makes sense. I am not saying there is anything wrong with being well off, but it does make things more difficult. In scripture, Jesus said, "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” Matthew 19:24
He didn't just say that for fun. He meant it. When we make worldly things important, we have a tougher time living for Christ. My Dad reminds me of this all the time, telling me that, "No saint ever died rich." I always want to find one that did, but its useless. The thing is, we have been called to this earth to live for Christ, and we can have all the possesions and power we want, but in a moment, God can take it all away. Which brings me to this - Success is not measured by wealth! We are not here to be millionairs, but Saints! Jesus said, “Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” Luke 18:22

So a man must first and formost, follow God's call. It is never gonna be easy, and there is no map, but God will lead you. Times will get tough, you'll feel like a failure, and it will seem impossible to live a holy life, but guess what, Man shows his strength through his weakness. Just one single breath of life is more than we deserve from God, but he gives us so much, and we must take it and praise him for it.
But then comes the excuse, I wasn't raised with the truth, I've developed bad habits, and my lifestyle is one that God will not forgive. Well once again, a lie! People are products of their enviornment, but that doesn't mean that change is not possible. Looking at the Saints, we can see that when it comes down to it, you decide if you want the faith to be yours, if you're man enough to sacrifice for the Kingdom of God. St. Augustine denied the faith, and denied the faith, and denied the faith, and then guess what, he figured out he was wrong, and had a conversion. His mother, St. Monica, was a large part of that, and though he went off the path, he was raised in an enviorment that nurtured the faith. But then there is St. Francis of Asissi. He decided to make the faith his own and his dad lost it, actually disowned him from the family. So basically, there is no sure fire way to be a saint, but it is a decision, to either live for Christ or live for yourself.  Once again, selflesness playing into what makes a man.

Manhood is whatever you make it out to be. There is no straight definition, and just because you spend hours praying everyday, it doesn't make you a man, though it probably helps. God is searching for real men to carry on his kindom and we all must be up for the challenge. Oh, and I am pretty sure women are looking for real men also ;) Just saying.
The last bit of advice I will give is about being yourself. In Wild at Heart, John Eldredge says, "Be who you are, and let people deal with it." He isn't saying, if your a jerk, it is okay. What he means is, don't change just cause someone tells you to. God loves all of his creations, and some are a bit crazier then others, but thats life. Stay straight the path, but do it by being you.

The Journey through life is not ever going to be an easy one, and manhood is not something you just pick up. It is a lifelong journey in itself, but it is worth the trip. Put the kingdom of God above all else, and you'll be suprised what you find yourself doing.
"For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." Matthew 23:12
Seek the Lord in all things!

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